Ana M
After 3 years interacting with this provider, I terminated her services, The experience was extremely stressful and disappointing. Total fiasco!
This is a private business with a mission to provide support coordination, consulting and case management services to persons with developmental disabilities who are participants in two State of Florida Medicaid Waiver programs.
It does no good to a client that a support coordinator / consultant / case manager has all the knowledge in the world (or at least she wants people to think so) if she refuses to help the client to progress and find all services and resources that the client needs to improve the quality of his life.
This waiver support coordinator / consultant (case manager) In the years she (the owner) managed the case, did not encourage the client and his family to candidly speak to her.
Rarely returned phone calls or emails from her client's family.
Never explained her services to the client in a way he could understand.
As time went by, she behaved increasingly erratic and annoyed when the client's family had to contact her.
In the three years, this person had the case, she never attended the mandatory meetings with the client in his home once a month in violation of her job requirement that she must visit the client once a month because he lived alone in a supported living apartment. She depended on the caregiver (client's mother) to keep her informed.
Overall, she did a poor job setting up the best care based on all the client's needs, and the client's situation was never better because of this case manager’s help, and, as a result of her poor service, the client and his family did not get a better idea of where to get information about other services.
In general the client and his family could not say that her case management service helped them.
When that month of the year arrived for her to update the client's Support Plan, the most important document for the client where the case manager has to write down new goals, new client's needs, services that will be needed, health / hospitalization in the last 12 months, list of medicines, doctors's names and their telephone numbers, this case manager refused to do her job despite the fact that the family contacted her via phone and emails to remind her that she and the family were supposed to meet in April to discuss the Support Plan but she ignored the calls and emails and therefore she never updated the Support Plan and could not meet the State of Florida Agency's deadline to submit it so the State could get the monies for the client's services. Her action was evil, uncaring, negligent, and irresponsible because she abandoned her client, which was another violation of her job requirement with the State of Florida. The family had to fire her and get another case manager quickly to update the Support Plan in question.
In the 3 years this case manager had the case, she never gave the family a survey to rate her quality of service which waiver support coordinators, consultants (case managers) are required to do.